The decisions you make will determine the future of your company and all its employees, so it is important that you take strong and clear actions.

All companies, not just yours, are suffering a lot from this pandemic. The decisions you make will determine the future of your business and all its employees, so it is important that you take strong and clear actions. You will also have to find ways to manifest your leadership. Here are some recommendations for these difficult times.


When things are going well, being positive is easy — even natural. Being positive when all fronts of the business are being threatened is a challenge. You can be direct and honest with your employees, letting them know that the conditions are complex; that there is not enough box; that customers have been reduced, or are null, and that the situation may continue for months. But your attitude must remain positive. Let them know that they will survive the situation, that sooner or later things must change, that your company and its employees have what it takes to get ahead. If you, as a leader, spread hopelessness and negativity, everyone will be infected, both employees and customers.


If you hide things, everyone imagines the worst. If there is no communication, rumors will flow and be misrepresented, and it will soon be difficult to stop them. ‘Have you heard that the company closes?’, ‘Did you already know that Mari, the accountant, forced her to take vacations?’ It is better to avoid rumors, and that the communication comes from official channels. If there is no official communication, it will be replaced by the imagination of a few, who with or without intent, will damage your company. Moreover, if the company must close, so communicate it. It is better that they know it from you, directly and honestly, than from someone else. Also if you have to communicate something difficult, such as a loss in salary or a dismissal, I recommend that it come directly from you.


Are you one of those bosses who justifies employee loyalty based on the time they spend sitting in front of the computer? I'm afraid to tell you that possibility is over. Having to work from home will test your faith in your employees' loyalty and commitment. You will be able to realize, very easily, who does and who does not really work without supervision, because the results will be evident, as long as you trust your staff.

Is it possible to monitor today that employees connect and work “9 to 5”? Undoubtedly. From connection logs to video surveillance through computers. Worth it? Of course not. At the end of the day, with or without Covid-19, if you don't know who on your team is doing their job and who isn't, maybe you should be the one who should leave the command of the company. Do not stop performing supervision tasks, such as holding remote meetings and / or asking for status via chat, which in addition to the purpose of supervision will allow you to maintain the companionship and humanism of the company, but avoid being a "Big Brother".


Your dream has not died, it has only been delayed. Subsisting is the only way to continue impacting the lives of your customers and your employees. I once trained as an Emergency Medical Technician, and there is a phrase that very clearly exemplifies the priorities of a patient and the first respondent from highest to lowest: "Life, function, aesthetics." Similarly, the most important thing during difficult times is that the company survive; the rest is secondary.

"But we're going to look bad in the press," or "Our clients are going to complain that we don't send them the monthly newsletter." No way, the previous premises affect your "aesthetics", similar to when you have to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and you break a rib. You should continue with compressions.

"But we are going to have to lay off 20 employees," or "We are going to have to close our operations in X country." No way, these premises are part of your "function", similar to when you have to cut a gangrenous arm to save your life.

The most important thing is the life of your company, or it will not be only 20 employees and a newsletter that does not arrive.


Different companies and different industries should measure their actions according to their own needs. Some industries, like some pharmaceuticals or staple industries (staple foods, canned goods, etc.), will perform even better than in normal times. You will need to take into account several factors to determine how drastic your actions should be. From your industry, the movement and type of clients, your position in the cash register, your liabilities, your geographical location, your expenses (or “burn rate”), etc. It is important to take assertive and immediate actions, it is true, but do not cut your arm if it is not necessary. Remember that the actions you take to survive are so that once the pandemic ends you are in a position of strength




6 tips para emprendedores ante el Covid-19